Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two things you should never discuss Religion and Politics

For this Year’s election I am able to Vote for the first time. I turned 18 on the 23rd of October and I registered October the 28th (I procrastinated until the last possible day). Going through this process I’m beginning to find many flaws within the whole voting thing I’ve gotten myself into. Everyone tells me that I HAVE to vote this year because I can, well they say this strongly encourage this only if I’m voting for the same person as them. I find that these questions come in procession of each other...first: “Are you registering to vote this year?” I respond with a yes and then the question I hate the most, “who are you voting for?” and I honestly want to respond to this question with a, "none of your effing business". I have made the fatal mistake to actually give my opinion on the two candidates Obama and McCain and I have responded with anger and persuasion also the never ending conversation of politics. I’m annoyed by this whole continuous cycle that happens whenever these two ominous questions arise.

I also went to register and it said I wasn’t eligible to vote in the preliminaries if I didn’t choose a party, this annoyed me as well, I’m a U.S. citizen I don’t want to take sides in two of the biggest political bullies there are in this entire world. This basically means I’m not allowed to choose who I decide to vote for...does this make sense? Does this sound like a democracy? I have basically two people to choose from, but I don’t get to choose who those two people are. I still checked myself as an individual, and unclassified as to a political party.

Even as I write this there are a few people who are judging this saying that I’m wrong in thinking this way...well you people (yes I said you people) are the reason I have no hope in politics at all, and some of you will try and persuade going on and on about something or other that I won’t particularly listen too. Because of these conversations and people I’ve finally made a decision, I’m voting green even though I know nothing about the candidates Cynthia McKinney, and Rosa Clemente. Two women I think woman are a little bitchy to be honest (myself being one). I just don’t want to deal with the question of who I voted for and having annoying people being disappointed in my decision as much as I don’t care about other people’s opinions of whom I vote for it is as very large annoyance to me.

1 comment:

Miller said...

Kelsey, you seem to have some strong thoughts on the subject. Did you know that Connecticut voters are going to decide whether to allow 17 year olds to vote in primaries (as long as they turn 18 by the election)? Might be an interesting topic to research, read about and write about.

Connecticut public radio just did an article on it and I'm sure you can find information on it and use your blog to make a well-supported argument about it one way or the other.