Monday, October 27, 2008

The dark scary side of senior year...

I don't know about everyone else but as far as myself and what I can tell from the majority of my senior class, it’s so overrated. It’s advertised in movies and stories are told by our parents, how great senior year is..well since im now in the thick of senior year im starting to experience the horrors of this year and I was clearly lied to by basically everyone.

It all started with the end of junior year and the beginning of the ominous monster that lurks around every senior year…senior exhibition project. That’s when I started to realize the sharp agonizing pains of this year, with the onslaught of this horrible gruesome project that took up a lot of my summer time, eating it away piece by piece devouring my precious hours of summer sun. Trust me it only begin there, remember I haven’t even started senior year.

Once my senior year started I was drenched with responsibility. Not only did I have to dwell with the constant stabbing pain in my head of the arrival of my senior ex, but I had to deal with college applications (dun dun daaaa) and that’s a dozy all in it’s own, it creates stress, headaches, back pains, and even the sudden loss of limbs. There's the dozens of forms and essays to write for each picky individual collge. All of that work and a good chance i might not even make it in. With the running list of things to do I was suffocated under the pressure and with each passing day it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

Then to add to the insurmountable pile of gruesome qualities of senior year I had to keep up with homework which basically left my with a huge headache, back and neck pain, and I lost a few limbs (it's astonishing I have even survived to write this article). Then you ask how I am I dealing with this horrify monster of a supposed best year of my high school career, well what else is there for me to turn to? Other then…The Little Mermaid. Before I go insane, I’ll watch some Little Mermaid and then it’s back to the dark abyss of filling out my college applications, and the reallife nightmare that I'm currently living in (otherwise known as SENIOR YEAR).

1 comment:

Miller said...

Kelsey: This is a visually descriptive piece, especially with the photo.

As for your anxieties about senior year, I can tell you not to worry too much. Once you get into the real world - holding a job, paying taxes, paying insurance, balancing a budget - your senior year will seem like a cake walk. So enjoy it while you can!!